The banking sector is the lifeline of any modern economy. It is one of the important financial pillars of the financial sector, which plays a vital role in the functioning of an economy. It is very important for economic development of a country that its financing requirements of trade, industry and agriculture are met with higher degree of commitment and responsibility. Thus, the development of a country is integrally linked with the development of banking. In a modern economy, banks are to be considered not as dealers in money but as the leaders of development. They play an important role in the mobilization of deposits and disbursement of credit to various sectors of the economy. The banking system reflects the economic health of the country. The strength of an economy depends on the strength and efficiency of the financial system, which in turn depends on a sound and solvent banking system. A sound banking system efficiently mobilized savings in productive sectors and a solvent banking system ensures that the bank is capable of meeting its obligation to the depositors.
In India, banks are playing a crucial role in socio-economic progress of the country after independence. The banking sector is dominant in India as it accounts for more than half the assets of the financial sector. Indian banks have been going through a fascinating phase through rapid changes brought about by financial sector reforms, which are being implemented in a phased manner. The current process of transformation should be viewed as an opportunity to convert Indian banking into a sound, strong and vibrant system capable of playing its role efficiently and effectively on their own without imposing any burden on government. After the liberalization of the Indian economy, the Government has announced a number of reform measures on the basis of the recommendation of the Narasimhan Committee to make the banking sector economically viable and competitively strong.
This course is useful for IBPS PO,CAIIB,JAIIB,CA,CS,CMA,UPSC. This course helps to understand
The course also contains practical examples and illustrations to understand the concepts in a better manner. This course captures all the essential features of banking in a bird’s eye view.
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